Urania Press is the publishing platform and design studio of Nitasia Roland ~
I am a writer/poet, digital artist, and independent researcher, and publisher of esoterica. I have an Interdisciplinary Masters Degree in English, Poetry, Printmaking, and Design, as well as an MFA in Creative Writing. I have a background in handmade textiles, book arts, teaching Photoshop, and editing and publishing small press journals. I practice magic/theurgy, divination, and I am an avid Tarot card reader and astrology enthusiast. For over 20 years I have been fascinated with the art and literature of the 19th century English and French Symbolists of the fin de siècle. As an animist, I believe that everything in this world is imbibed with a spirit. I believe the Symbolist lithographer and painter Odilon Redon knew this and sought to invoke chimeric spirit into all of his evocative, sublime, and enigmatic visions. In 2020 I was called to gather, digitally enhance, and interpret Redon’s art, aligning it to the Tarot card format. I am excited to introduce the first edition of Tarot Chimera via Kickstarter Summer 2021.
image: “Parsifal” 1885 ~ by Belgian Symbolist artist Jean Delville